Monday, January 4, 2010

A New Year Begins !!!

It's a new 2010 year, it's a new beginning. Last year, I have a dramastic change in my life. I wish everyone a new and glorious year ahead, good health and wealth, hapinness forever. May friendship and love blossom, may peace and harmony flow through the world and the universe.

For this year, my learning theme is "the ultimate preparation." Preparation is very important before doing the task. My resolution for this year is to soar into inevitable heights, expand to the ends of the world and to the eternity of the universe.

New year fireworks in Singapore was amazingly beautiful. Getting back home that night was difficult, 3am was the time we came back. But we have an enjoyable time there. Now, it's back to the normal days where we school and buried our face in pile of books and flashing screens of laptop. LOL.

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