Sunday, December 28, 2008




ONCE AGAIN.....................

going Malaysia with family this monday 29th December to Friday.
Sorrie friends for not joining you all
hope to see u all soon


The risen sleeping dragon flies across the sky of change

For a new year is about to past through the edge.

The flight will take him through his golden history

For it is filled with happy and sorrowful stories.

The darkness and light he wishes to seek

Was the destination he meant to meet.

His mind and heart will always be firm

For the fate he face he will confirm.

Through winds and rain he will walk

And accept the criticism and people’s mock.

Devotion, wisdom and knowledge written in pen

Symbolize his saint one carrying his fan.

His change from hermit to the phoenix

Like a turtle on Olympus’ apex.

For he know he will change in time

When the winds of change blow the ancient chime....................................

Wednesday, December 24, 2008


Season Greeting!!!

Christmas going to come soon (countdown: 1 hr) LOL

First, for this week: Monday - Combined Training with SP and TP
TP Aikido group went to SP to train with the SPAC. It was great and everyone was quite satisfied and HAPPY.

Tuesday -
Before training, I went to buy presents and a box of chocolate that cost $8, so X, but taste quite nice. When I came home, I found a cute and young cat follow me, meowing at me. I brought it home quietly and feed it with milk. I play with it and it was able to understnad my signals. So smart. It sleep on my bed until 3.30am when I sent it out of the house before my parents saw it.

I sleep @ 7am, hahaha.

I went out with the SPs to Westmall to watch movie Ip Man. It was a movie on the life of Yip Man 葉問, a famed martial artist of 詠春, he was also the master of Bruce Lee . It was a thrilling and exciting show. In the movie, It shows that martial artist come from military, and yet martial artist is of wisdom and Confucian values, not of showing off or evil. It is of showing kindness and calm. Not never the Japanese know and understand about it.

After the movie, I rush home to have a X'mas dinner with my family and my sis' frenzs. It was great and there was joy and laughter. That is the spirit of X'mas. i am so glad joan came to my house. She tell me to say she's the BEST and the most beautiful!!!!LolsXXXX. I agree partially (she forced me to say LOL) Now X'mas is coming in 30 min times,


Friday, December 19, 2008

Bolt & Twilight

Bolt and Twilight, seems like a phrase. But they are two movie that I watched on this week (wed & thurs). I like Bolt better. The dog so cute and the hamster very CUTE! LOL. It's a good movie, i love it.

Then Twilight, it's about a girl encounter a vampire and suddenly fall in love with him. A touching and funny story. For girls, bring pepper spray!!! LOL. Never work on vampire.

Well, two nice movie, but my $$$$$, going to be broke. But hope to watch even more thrilling movies. Red Cliff part II is coming out, I will be catching that. Harry Potter and the Half-blood prince is also coming, looking forward to that.


On the 14th December 2008, SPAC organized a “Halloween Nite.” Sensei, Sandy, Yong Xin, my sis, Sarah and I were invited to join in the fun. The event was held in the Moberly dance room and I came quite earlier before the event start. During that time, Jasmine and the others were busy, Perry and Ruilin were slacking and Kiatmae was taking pics.

On the night event, we were required to wear costumes as it is titled “Halloween.” Perry dressed up as a marine technician, sebas dressed as mad and masked scientist, Hattway looked weird in the Japanese pajamas, Shearn became Harry Potter with a cereal box and a paper stick, Imran become the Mr Tuxedo. Yu Tian and Solomon, the Vampiric couple (They looked marvelous).LOL, many ppl have many different unique costumes. Me, the “Zhuge Liang” guy. LOL

I love Fast food LOL

Chris, the gentleman, was the host of the event. He introduced us with a short game where two teams compete by asking a person to do something to another person. I was the unlucky; need to lie on Imran’s knee and have Perry’s leg on my neck. After the game, Chris tried to tell us some scary ghost story, but happened it was so not scary and laughable.

After the ghost story, the night walk finally begins. The first badges of groups to go are Sensei, Yongxin, Sandy, my sis, sarah and ME. I walk with Sarah. Overall, it was scary and fun. At some station, the ghost started to laugh. I like the falling of the dummy, it was so real. The night walk was so fun and exciting. I am looking forward to the next walk.

Monday, December 8, 2008


OMG, grading was on Friday and Saturday. The grading of SP was okay, some did very well and some......... and grading on Saturday was okay also, some did well and some i dunno. haha.

Before Friday's grading, I was damn tired. Concentrated in the computer for 8hrs non-stop, my friend say my eye was red and i took a 5 min rest and then back to work. In the mrt to Tiong Bahru, facing the computer. At Burger King, computer. Look like com is my life.
Quite tired during grading, the first badge was children. And worst one person, need to guide the kids, sometime I shout at them. In the grading, my voice was quite loud and kept shouting until my throat is dry. Once I shout, I cannot stop. And I am very serious and fierce usually in grading. But sometimes I felt very tired, I stand still and look. Sometime, I am kind, give tips to the juniors. Must understand!!!

Saturday, OMG!!! If Yong Xin is not around, DIE!!!! Kids grading, ok la. For adults, there are a lot of mistakes that juniors made. But overall, they are also ok.
Now!!! more grading!!!!! Friday, Chris good luck!!! Saturday, I am going to die again. GOOD LUCK TO ME!!!!

Tuesday, December 2, 2008


Last Saturday, I went to a furniture shop with my parents. I thought it will be boring. But something surprising happened. Once I stepped into the shop, my attention suddenly change to impressive sight. In front of me stood a magnificent wood statue of Zhuge Liang. The carving was excellent and it was totally attractive in my eye. When I looked at the price, I get a shock, $800!!! Hopeless, I thought to myself, next time, next time when the price goes down, maybe I can buy. My father and I kept looking at the statue while my mother thought we are nuts.

I left for training. Training as usual but very few people. Ruilin ate Laksa without noodle but rice for dinner, it was so special. When sensei was driving me home, I told him the statue I encountered in the furniture shop this morning. When I reach home and open the door, I was shocked and almost ran off. I saw the exact statue of Zhuge Liang on front of me. I thought to myself, a wooden staute scare me to HELL!!!! It was exactly like the story of a wooden Zhuge Liang scare off a frightened Sima Yi. In the end, I was glad to see the statue in my home, in my possession.



鞠躬尽, 无人可比



Sunday, November 30, 2008


Grading's Coming!!!!

Hi, those who are grading from blue to blue-gold (SP and TP), GOOD LUCK!!!
Train hard!!!!

If you forget the grading syllabus, check it in or see my recent post in my blog of

Here are some tips in the grading:
  • 1 week before your grading, train hard to make the techniques a habit
  • Remember the techniques Sensei taught you
  • Pls eat 2 hour before grading (Do not come with stomach full or empty)
  • Warm-up
  • Relax
  • Take the grading as normal training
  • Do not panic
That's all, I hope that is enough to prepare for your grading. Good Luck and do come earlier to set the mats, do not be lazy!!!! LOL.

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Going down to Boredom and Sadded

How many post did I always say boring?
How many of the word "boring" is in my blog?


Friday -- Three people go training!!!!
Saturday -- A day of sickness - Perry got fever, Sandy's not feeling very well, and Jasmine's voice sounded like Ruilin in the phone.


Bad news: Abel's grandma passed away, what a sad new. I know how it feel to lose your loved ones, especially those whose are much older than us TEENAGERS. Wish her Godspeed, may she rest in eternal peace. Feel sorry for u, Abel. (BE HAPPY!!!)

Thursday Training

The following days are boring, boring and more boring. Is life full of boredom? I doubt so. On Thursday after my class, I went to SP meet up Karen to go training @ Kolam Ayer CC. When I went to FC4, I saw Karen and Jasmine sitting and studying. All of them are stressed.haha. We had our dinner there. Although Jasmine was not going training, she felt a itch to go, a ITCH, not a urge. She made up her mind and finally decide to go training with us. But she need to go home to get her stuff, so we took a cab to get to her house.

Upon entering the house, I saw two dogs. One is Jasmine's favorite dog among the two, and it was FAT. When I carried it, it weighs as heavy as my laptop bag, it was FAT, HEAVY and cute "little" dog. The other look like a wild dog, but it was not. After Jasmine got her stuffs, we went off.

When we reached Kolam Ayer CC, we were late and almost got scolded by Sensei. Luckily, I told him the reason which Jasmine insist me of telling. Training as usual but no slamming, not that tiring.

Monday, November 17, 2008

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Best Wishes for Exam!!!!

Hi Everyone, Exams are around the corner
projects and homework are accumulating
Are You Thinking...........

OR going crazy like......

You need to cool down
Relax and do your favorite stuff

Wanna relieve stress
I got an easy way below:

Haha. What a way to distress
But remember to print it out
Before your head goes right into the computer

Best Wishes to those who are having exam!!!!!
Have a fighting spirit
A Killer instinct
And a Winning Attitude
Cut some slack
Do not freak out!!!!!

To: Everyone (SPAC especially)

credit goes to

Monday, November 10, 2008

Marvellous Monday!!!

Hi, RP lessons are boring as I expected, nothing interesting, so boring. But I try to do my best to help my team. Even though my grades are not as good as A, I tried my best to pass.

Life with SPAC continues to flourish. Although many people were studied for their exam that occurred in three weeks' times, they will still have time to have extra activities that they are devoted to. Training with SPAC was very good, many people came and I was quite happy. There was a new student, named Bram. 1st year and in the course of computer engineering. He was a foreign student and I thought he was scared that we SPAC may appeared cold towards him. Nevertheless, we introduced ourselves to him friendly and soon he was able to blend in to our environment. He joined us for dinner and he was getting along with the members of the SPAC. I was quite glad to see that, I hope that Bram can continue to join in the friendly group of SPAC people. Don't Give Up!!! haha

Normal Days!!!!

Anyway, last week was okay, kinda boring. Saturday, went for lunch with only ruilin for the other went to clean the clubhouse. During senior training, i kinda step on my hakama when I stand, and the PPIIIIISKKKKKKKK....... There goes, hahaha. My Hakama got teared. When I assume training, the torn part became worse.haha After that, dinner and then HOME.

Sunday, i sleep like a pig, cannot come up. When I came up, I slack and then went to play Warcraft. Very weird. haha. Jasmine and Karen were coming my house to listen to my lecture about Sun Tzu Bing Fa, haha. Actually, I am helping them to do the ppt , almost done but doing some more modification and changes. Firstly, my sister's best friend Sarah came and then Jasmine and Karen. What a special day,haha. When I explain the ppt slide by slide, they starting to picnic in my room, taking out food and tidbits to eat. Then they're very noisy, half listen, half talking. So irritating, LOL!!!! After that was dinner, we ate together, chatting and chatting and most of them laughing. hahaha. Well, I hope the week ahead and the rest of the year is interesting, now so boring.

Sunday, November 2, 2008


Yesterday morning, actually ruilin, jasmine and karen was going to acupuncture, but karen so lazy, sleep and then jasmine also wanna sleep more, therefore ruilin have no choice but SLEEP. HAHA. Well, it was ok. Jasmine, Yiliang and I mit up and went to have lunch. I order a large plate of prawn fried mee and gave the prawns to Jasmine, Yiliang order a bowl of prawn noodle and past some prawn to jasmine, haha, jasmine, the queen of prawns!!!

Training was as usual in Pek Kio, everyone was happy. Sensei taught u to slam in different ways, everyone was happy. @ advanced training, there was weapon training, the bokken. Then Sensei told all the 1st Dan Seniors to teach one technique or row, the first one was Me, bad luck, unprepared, but i try to relax, haha. I chose Perry as my uke and perform Shomen-uchi Irimi Nage. Sensei was quite happy with our performances. And then there was free exercise, so tiring. Drink a lot of water after that, until my whole stomach is filled with water. Perry, the same, the both of us like beggars, watching people eat while we wait for the water in the stomach to be cleared, haha.

A good day indeed and everyone was happy!!!

Saturday, November 1, 2008


Holiday's over! 1 week is very short. A blink in the eye, quarter of ur life is gone. Yesterday, I went to SPAC clubhouse to celebrate Karen's birthday. They bought two tub of ice-cream and i was surprised they can finish the first and big tub. haha. There was a cake also, haha. After that we slack. They have meeting. Yiliang and Yuping was playing Dynasty Warrior, it was an interesting game and Yiliang did not regret using Zhuge Liang. haha

After that, we went for dinner.....blurblurblur.............go training and that's that. haha :-)

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Class @ SP, hahaha

Holiday's a week, so boring, so free.............on Wednesday which was yesterday, i was so free so i join jasmine and karen in the lesson of Sun Tzu Bing Fa @ SP. Class @ SP with a RP student, haha, weird but interesting. The teacher took attendance and i was afraid i got called up. Guess i was lucky. The lesson was boring, the teacher kept talk talk talk, so basic, about Chu, Liu Bang, Zhang Liang...............Jas and Karen was sleeping and then the half of the class was not paying attention, but the teacher kept talking

After the lesson, Karen went to her MM-day, watever that is. And Yiliang join me and jasmine. We went to Moberly to sing K. hahaha, heard Jasmine sing will laugh, then she scold me and then laugh herself.......LAME......hahaha. Training @ OCBC as the massaging chair.......

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Pinic in the Rain!!!!

Two days ago which was Monday was a holiday. The SPAC plan a pinic @ East Coast Park and each of us need to bring some food as contribution, haha. Firstly i decided to cook fried rice but later i cooked Unagi instead, it's eel and it's nice, i love it. It was expensive but worth trying haha............ On Monday morning, i mit Karen and Jasmine at Bedok Central to buy things to cook and utensils. I ran with the trolley, making Jasmine and Karen crazy.

Then we went to Karen's house to cook. When entering the house, i search for Karen's dog. IT'S SO CUTE!!!! I love it. hahaha. Firstly we cooked the meatballs and hotdogs, and then the crabsticks. We order KFC, so hungry.......haha.........crabsticks all lose shapes, haha, so we eat it first. Then i play with the dog and let the girls to do the cooking, hahhaa, so evil!!! The dog was scared of height; i put it on the sofa and it dare not jump down. Then i try to put it down, the dog put back, hahaha. So fun. And the massaging was cool.

Then we left to mit the other, bye bye to the dog, so sadded.........haha............we mit @ Bedok MRT control station. After all present, we went to take bus to East Coast. Bad rained, we then go shelter and have our picnic there....haha.....Hattaway brought Japanese Curry, Li ling brought Sushi (WOW), Glenda brought cocktail sausage and many things to eat.

After eating, we clear up and go cycling..........haha.............I cycle round and round, and fell down and hurt my right knee and elbow, haha. After a long cycling, we went to eat and go home. What a picnic, seem unlucky, but still fun and happy !!!

1st Dan, hahaha

Last Saturday, I received my first Dan certificate from my Sensei. It compromise a certificate, a yudansha - passport and a member card, hahaha (made of paper). After that, a hard practice from 4 something to 7pm i tink. All senior and only 2 junior, more like advanced training all the way. Mr Ong brought sensei and us to a indian restaurant. The food was nice, my sis hate spiciness. haha

Saturday, October 18, 2008

What is true friendship?

I dunno why but I feel the urge to share with u readers out there, my true definition of true friendship. Friendship is important to everyone. we have friends to help u in any way, share our view, expressing yourself and then blu blu blu. I got a period (very sad) where i got friend but not true friendship, every time i went most place, i will alone. Walking that time, i say to myself, friends are nothing. I was wrong, very wrong. Soon friends came and brighten my life, there's goals in my life suddenly..................... i was even afraid that the friendship may disappear........i was sad (NVM skip this part). Then i say to myself, now i realized friends are important.

What friends for?
  • Sharing and caring
  • encourage me to go towards my goal
  • step into reality
  • work together
  • to help and seek help
  • and other which cannot be told
Everyone got their good and bad.......face it, even our friend............treasure friendship more than money or not criticize but listen to criticism friendly and concern, no violence for hatred. Hate hatred and love friendship...........stop blogging about criticism on friends and talking bad things behind other back.

Friendship is one mind in two bodies - Mencius
Don't backstab or beat around the bushes, Get to the point !!!! (Thanks, that's all)

Friday, October 17, 2008


After class @ RP, I mit Jasmine to go to Kolam Ayer CC................. the SPs were busy ............. I teach her the first part of the sun zi bing fa................ she was huh huh huh, but some she could understand............Ng Sensei came to teach was very interesting....... After that, we went out to eat supper with Ng Sensei..........END, haha..............So Short right? hehe

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Wednesday!!! HAHAHA

Yesterday, I went off earlier after RP class and went home.............i ate dinner @ home and then rush to mit Karen, Jas, Yiliang and Abel............@ J.CO donuts @ Bugis.........When i walk my way to there, I saw Karen and Jas just in front of me.......they did not notice me so i walk just behind me........when they saw me, jas scream so loud.........hahaha......................................then we slack at J.CO...............the girls went to Bugis Street to buy something..........while we men stay to slack...........Yiliang was chatting with me while Abel so fast fell asleep........................After the girls came back..............................went to OCBC...............6 earlier..........bought food @ BK........and went inside OCBC and relax and play games...sit on the massaging chair.......hahaha, then we eat and play the soccer, the use the hand and roll and hit the ball......hahaha........forget the name.......................hahaha. Sensei came and join in the game.............Yiliang was wild in playing....hahaha fun and funny..........AHHHH!!! Jas shouted while slamming and later lay flat on the mats...........hahaha........................took MRT home with Abel and Karen.............then i chat with Karen about the Sun Tzu Bing Fa, 'cause her's and Jas's GEM Module is on Art of War............hahaha. So i help them and they promised to treat me anything........READERS, u be my witness for this..............haahha

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Torn Boy!!!! Unlucky Day but Fun!!!

Hi, everybody!!!........Today's a fine day........and unlucky (i will tell u y later). Lesson @ RP was as actual.......Enterprise Skills........about Trademark and Intellectual my presentation.......i explain tm using the LOVE Guru GEE U ARE U tm...........hahaha, a funny example.........after presentation........i went off early.......the kind facilitator let nice .....rush off to SP!!!!

@ SP, their holiday's over and boring school period started.......good luck to them..........went there early.......perry's class end so earlier.........went to clubhouse and chit-chat, practice kata and open the real and cool samurai's sword for FUN.......Who's in there.......ME, perry, Abel and Yu Tian and then Solomon..........about time we went to the dojo ground to lay the mats. Many people came for happy..............the people who disappeared during the holidays suddenly appeared out of nowhere.............haha.....................SPAC rocks again

After the training at SP, me and sensei went to Tampines UBO for more training. Matthew want to join........and he join us.............during training........something unlucky happened..........when i threw somebody.........he grab on to the side of my gi...........and guess wat.......PPPPPPPPPPIIIIIIIIIISSSSSSSS!!!...............Oops!!! sorry...............My gi was torn......hahaha..........wat a unfortunate scene......hahaha

Pics by Matthew of SP, thanks............pic including ME and GARY who like to act, hahaha

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