Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Christmas was Wonderful


Christmas' Eve was great; Christmas dinner of course. Decoration was done the day before the dinner. On that day, we need a lot of time to prepare for the dinner. There were turkey. pork knuckle, ham, fried rice. etc. For dessert, there was chocolate fondue. The night was great too; my sister's group of friends also stay overnight. The food for the dinner was too much that we ate them for lunch and dinner of the next day, Christmas.

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Monday, December 7, 2009


Sorrie for the late update. I was playing Pokemon. lol. Studying and dozing off. PENANG !!! A great place, greater than KL & Melaka. Shopping & eating there was also great!!! But the purpose for going there was even greater. My cousin Selena Yap & Soo Wei was having a wedding in Penang. It was a great wedding and I was able to see my lovely cousins, Selena, Lee Sweet, brother Jason, Vincent, Cheamin, etc. I have great time, alas I did not have enough time to enjoy the penang and the time with my cousins.
I wishes Selena, my cousin sister & Soo Wei, her lovely partner a good and memorable marriage and I wish that your love will blossom with great happiness and prosperity. Love you. And to my dear cousins, I WANT ANOTHER TRIP TO PENANG, I HAVEN ENJOY ENOUGH. Looking forward for the next trip with you all.
For the pics, it was nice. But do you know what will be better ??? MY FACE IN THE PICS. None of the pics have my face on it. Sadded.

ME after the wedding, preparing some tea for supper.

This guy just sank into bed after he enter the room

MY sis look confused after the wedding

Who is she, she look shy.

Friday, November 20, 2009

Aikido Demo @ Causeway Point

RP Aikido Demo @ Causeway Point, Woodlands

The champion team RP Aikido have once again step into the limelight (actually a small stage with 20 mats)

This is the second biggest demo for me and the RP Aikido. It's in the shopping mall, causeway point. A lot of audiences and passer-bys during the evening. The demo comprised of weapons vs weapons techniques and mutiple attacking. It was impossible to make a big throw due to the small stage. The white belts are very nervous but they manage to overcome their fear.

I would like to thanks the RP Aikido for the teamwork we done in the demo. It was a great job done. And I would also like to thanks Perry, QingHua, Shi Mei and Wendy for support me in the demo. You all are great friends and I greatly touched by your very action.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

My Life Continues

My previous life stayed devoted to that organisation, it seems to be a small organisation but united. And then, my world turned upside down and I am out of the organisation for no good reasons. But the twist was nothing to me, and yet I am flexible to transfer myself to a better and bigger organisation. I hope from the people of the previous organisation to continue to be my friends. Yet, some people treated us as rivals. Deleted our profile from their facebook account, not saying at least "Hi" when they meet us.

To these people that treated us as enemy: You have the very right to delete us from your account, but this small act is junevile, it showed how immature and childish you are. Though in times of peace, you disturb us. You are such a low-life worthless scum, your behaviors and actions are completely despicable and you are not worthy to live in this very world. Your contribution to the organisation proved nothing, You showed favoritism to people you like best and ignore the people you dislike. Your inhuman action will demoralise your own organisation, making them separated. Though your small organisation is expanding, but it will never flourish. Furthermore, it will crumble and collapse and meet its horrifying end. And the end of the organisation is due to you. Your happiness will turn to heavy sorrow and full of regrets that failure will prevails over you.

To people that treated us as friends and great friends: I must personally thank you greatly for your caring concern about my sudden disappearance from the organisation that I deeply cherished. Sorry for my harsh words above, I am doing this because I must be fair to everyone. People who are despicable deserve what deserve best. And for you, great people and friends will always be in my heart. You have shown me the way of unity and teamwork, I have learnt a great deal of wisdom and knowledge from you, your words and advices to me will always be in my mind. Thuogh I am in a different organisation, I will never forget you all. Thank-you for helps when I am in need and the times we have been together.

Friday, October 30, 2009



Halloween have always been a special occasion. From what I know, Halloween is also known as Hallow Eve or the Day of the Dead. The Celtic people believed that before the start of November, spirits will emerge from the tombs and walk the earth. To scare off these spirits, scary objects are decorated and ghostly costumes are worn. For kids, it's just Trick-or-Treats.

For me, Halloween is the day where I studied the different types of ghosts such as Poltergeist, Vampires, Mummy, Zombie and blu blu blu. Blood Mary and Leprechaun are also freaky. I never believe in ghost, but I still have a minor perception that the existence of ghost is of the term coincidence. But I must say that it is rude to do funy things or disturbing the supernaturals by using hilarious methods such as the Ouija board and flashing a torch at a oak tree.

Here's a poem by John Kendrick Bangs:

The ghosts of all things past parade,
Emerging from the mist and shade
That hid them from our gaze,
And, full of song and ringing mirth,
In one glad moment of rebirth,
And again they walk the ways of earth
As in the ancient days.

The beacon light shines on the hill,
The will-o'-wisps the forests fill
With flashes filched from noon;
And witches on their broomsticks spry
Speed here and yonder in the sky,
And lift their strident voices high
Unto the Hunter's Moon.

The air resounds with tuneful notes
From myriads of straining throats,
All hailing Folly Queen;
So join the swelling choral throng,
Forget your sorrow and your wrong,
In one glad hour of joyous song
To honor Hallowe'en!

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Seminar with Shimamoto Shihan

Carrying the mats, used for the Aikido Youth Meet, was tiring. But the benefit kicks in. By carrying the mats, we have a free seminar with Shimamoto Shihan at Bukit Timah CC. It was a fruitful seminar, but only adi and I went. The others abandon us !!!

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Brian Stepanek

Brian Stepanek is one of my favorite actors. In Disney Channel, he play Arwin, the hotel engineer in the Suite Life of Zack and Cody. He was so funny, he can be the second Mr Bean (Rowan Atkinson) He was also voice actor of the movie Bolt and a minor actor in Transformer the movie.

Egg with Caviar!!!

Caviar is also known as fish roe, I love it. Usually it is served in Japanese dishes as a garnish. It gives a explosion of great taste after bite, it is salty and sometimes sweet or bitter. Caviar are divided in two common color; orange and black. I love it when served with Japanese vinegar rice or in sushi. Caviar are big and small in sizes. Egg with caviar is so nice, I never try it before but you can imagine it.

Disadvantage: Caviar is high in cholesterol and sodium. Caviar is preserved or salted fish roe, so it is definitely high in sodium. So do not eat it daily or too much. I consider caviar as food for special occasions. Caviar is also expensive!!!!!

Monday, October 19, 2009

Favorite Food for Breakfast

I sometimes skip breakfast and have early lunch. If I need some for breakfast, it will be bread, butter and Milo. But my favorite food for breakfast is PANCAKE, with loads of maple syrup!!! If no maple syrup, chocolate sauce will be the perfect replacement. Whipped cream or icing sugar will also be a good addition. Addition of fruits such as strawberries will make the pancakes healthier. Pancakes are better than breads !!!!!!!

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Aikido Youth Meet 2009

Aikido Youth Meet 2009
@ RP

Not long before I joined RP Aikido, I have a golden opportunity to represent RP Aikido for the demo competition at the meet. It was wonderful and unforgettable experience in the meet. And to make things even better, we, RP Aikido won the competition in this meet. Meeting different instructors and other aikido friends was very special. Meeting Philip Sensei and shaking his hand is such a honor.

The day before the meet, we have to move up the mats and prepare for the demo. It was tiring but worth it. Thanks to all my RP Aikido friends for......... being my friends!!!! RP Aikido rox!!! I look forward to all the demo and activities in the future.

Ali, the Happy host of the day !!!!

Friday, October 9, 2009


Winter is coming !!! I love to see snow but none in S'pore. Talking about snow, my first encounter was in Prague. It's been many years and I can still feel the atmosphere. In Prague, the snow was the best, the buildings were amazing and finally the FOOD. I love one of Prague traditional dish, it is known as Svickova. I love the sauce and the tender meat, and....and the whipped cream, a great complement.

It was served with bread and cranberry jam. Here's a recipe. I hope it's the right one. LOL

  • 3 Carrots
  • 3 Parsnips
  • 1 Celery root
  • 2 large Onions
  • 4 oz Fat bacon
  • 15 peppercorns
  • 10 Allspice grains
  • 3 Bay leaves
  • 3 T Dried thyme
  • 2 lb Leg beef (sic)
  • Salt
  • 2 c Heavy Cream
  • 2 T flour
  • 1 T Vinegar
  • 1 T Sugar
  • 1 Lemon; grated rind of
  • Preserved cranberries


1. Julienne carrots, parsnips, celery root and onion.
2. Fry in bacon fat in a large pan until browned.
3. Add the meat, spices, salt, then add water to cover.
4. Stew until the meat is tender, adding more water as necessary.
5. Take the cooked meat out, and puree vegetables.
6. Return to pot, add cream and flour, and simmer.
7. When the sauce is thick enough, add vinegar, sugar and lemon rind.
8. Remove from heat, slice the meat, put on plate, and pour the sauce around the meat pieces.
9. Garnish with preserved cranberries.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009


School's back in town. LOL. It was again another new start. A surprise to see some of my old classmates in the same class as I am. First day is like LAST day. But it was fun. Here's the timetable:

5 core modules, hard to the core. lol. Today is Sport and Exercise Psychology, my favorite lesson.
The facilitator is a Japanese guy, cool. Hope the other modules are as fun as today. GTG, study now!!!!

Monday, October 5, 2009

Vacation to Xing Jiang 2009 !!!!!!!

A donkey or a horse ????

I like eagle!!!!

Sheeps, Run for ur sheepy lives !!!

Do u see a bird ????

Chilli !!!!! Everywhere 10km



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